Travel in time during testing a Rails application

During testing an application, written with Rails, it’s often needed to check that some event has to be occurred in the future after performing some actions. For example, when a user signs up on “22 July 2017” he gets a bonus. In order to test this manually, the current time has to be set to “22 July 2017”. At first glance, it looks like a pretty trivial task. Just open system settings, disable synchronization with the servers that provide current time and change the local current time for the operating system. This will work and there is no surprise here. But problems come later when the current time is not returned back to the real current time. This is the list of possible problems: messages in chats are messed up, secured sites can’t be opened because of the complaints about HTTPS issues, a commit can be created with wrong timestamps and the version control system’s history is cluttered and so on and so forth. So if these problems look familiar for you, welcome aboard and enjoy the thoughts flow!
I too often need to test a Rails application that has to be done at some particular time, mostly in the future. And I always have been doing that by changing operating system time that leaded to the problems described above. On some day it just annoyed me a lot and I started to think about solutions that won’t change operating system time but will allow to emulate current time. Inspired by the feature on linux based machines that allows to spoof a time zone by setting TZ
environment variable, I started to think in this direction. But unfortunately I couldn’t manage to find some opportunity to spoof current time with on the system level. And I finally invented my own solution based on a Ruby gem. I did this using Timecop. But you can use any other gem whenever you like. In this post I just describe the general idea. So never change your operating system time manually due to the issues described above and keep reading!
The solution
Before showing the main idea behind the solution I would like to share some hack that will be handy not only in this particular case but in other circumstances too.
Sometimes there is a need to change code in a Rails application locally, but these changes must not be deployed to production server or committed to a version control system. For example, I want to set an alias locally to some namespace, because it’s too long and I don’t want to type a lot during debugging or investigating something in rails console. I.e. I want to do GW = ActiveMerchant::Billing::TrustCommerceGateway
. It would be great to not set this alias every time manually right after opening rails console. A possible solution could be just defining a custom initializer (I hope that’s not news for you what is that and it’s known that initializers are located in the config/initializers/
folder of a Rails application, more about Rails initializers here). But it will be automatically tracked by a version control system. And this is not a problem - those can be configured to be ignored. E.g. for Git this file’s path can be put in the .gitignore
and that’s it.
I would recommend to define one such initializer (for example config/initializers/dev.rb
), that will be general for all of your aliases, local monkey-patches and so on. By the way, check out one of very useful monkey-patch you will love:
class BigDecimal
def inspect
And now when you fetch an ActiveRecord instance from DB in the Rails console instead of unreadable things you will see human-readable float numbers for BigDecimal
’s. E.g. before that was #<BigDecimal:7fb8301a25a8,'0.5005E3',18(18)>
, after - 500.50
Enough introduction and excursuses. This is the code snippet for changing current time:
class TravelTime
def self.take['TRAVEL_TIME']).chomp
class TravelTimeMiddleware
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env) do
Rails::Application.subclasses.first.class_eval do
require 'timecop'
config.middleware.use TravelTimeMiddleware # For Rake tasks, console and other similar processes
# Uncomment the code below if you use Delayed Job as a queue in your application
# class Delayed::Worker
# alias origin_run run
# def run(job)
# do
# origin_run(job)
# end
# end
# end
In order to use this code just put it into a local initializer. Create a text file with some time inside in any format compatible with Rails. This is the time that should be traveled to during testing an application. For example:
echo "Fri, 19 Jun 2017 10:46:52 EDT -04:00" > travel_time
Then set environment variable TRAVEL_TIME
to point to this file:
export TRAVEL_TIME=travel_time
That’s it. Now when you run the rails server or rails console current time will be set to “19 Jun 2017 10:46:52”. Having current time defined in a file allows to change it at any time and it will be updated without restarting a rails server (note, that a console should be restarted). If you use Delayed Job in your application and want to emulate current time in its worker uncomment the commented code. Similar to the code related to Delayed Job similar code can be written for other queues.
In the snippet a middleware is used. If you are not familiar with this conception please refer this guideline.
In this post you’ve seen how to emulate current time in a Rails application without changes in operating system settings. This allows to avoid a lot of critical issues that may arise. Also it’s described some useful trick with local initializers that will be useful in different circumstances.