Select unique latest grouped records from DB

Select unique latest grouped records from DB

Nowadays, almost every Ruby on Rails application has a so-called recent records block. This block usually shows statistics or a list of recent things within the project during the last few days searched by some criteria. It can be something like “top 10 products”, “the most popular projects”, or “the most relevant apartments”. Read this blog post the learn how to efficiently build data for these blocks using SQL and window functions in Ruby on Rails app.

Recent records - the task overview

Assume that you’ve got an app that has Project model. It has many ratings. The Rating model has just a value from 1 to 5 assigned by users to some projects.

For the task understanding it’s enough to have a look into the table definition:

db-# \d ratings
                                          Table "public.ratings"
   Column                  Type               Collation  Nullable                Default
 id           bigint                                     not null  nextval('ratings_id_seq'::regclass)
 reviewer_id  bigint                                              
 reviewee_id  bigint                                              
 rating       integer                                             
 review       text                                                
 project_id   bigint                                              
 created_at   timestamp(6) without time zone             not null 
 updated_at   timestamp(6) without time zone             not null 
    "ratings_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

This table has the following data:

db-# select id, reviewer_id, reviewee_id, rating, project_id, created_at from ratings;
 id  reviewer_id  reviewee_id  rating  project_id          created_at
  8            9           10       5          27  2022-12-05 21:46:01.583185
 12            7            6       5          26  2022-12-23 14:35:11.047002
 13            6            7       5          26  2022-12-23 14:36:48.366411
 18            9           10       5          39  2023-03-01 23:27:52.68548
 19           10            9       5          39  2023-03-01 23:28:32.880234
 20            9           10       5          86  2023-03-01 23:35:15.564763
(6 rows)

Our task is to return the latest reviews per project. So the resulting records should be these:

 id  reviewer_id  reviewee_id  rating  project_id          created_at
  8            9           10       5          27  2022-12-05 21:46:01.583185
 13            6            7       5          26  2022-12-23 14:36:48.366411
 19           10            9       5          39  2023-03-01 23:28:32.880234
 20            9           10       5          86  2023-03-01 23:35:15.564763
(4 rows)

Note the project_id is distinct compared to the all records. And the timestamps are the most recent for those duplicated projects (their id = 26, 39).

There is no way to solve this task efficiently using only ActiveRecord functionality and pure Ruby. But SQL can solve this with the window function technique.

How window function with row number partition works

The idea is the following - we rank all records inside the table from 1 no N for the duplicated records of our search criteria. The most recent record gets 1, older one gets higher rank. The distinct rows will have 1.

For example:

 id  project_id  reviewee_id          created_at          row_number
  8          27           10  2022-12-05 21:46:01.583185           1
 12          26            6  2022-12-23 14:35:11.047002           2
 13          26            7  2022-12-23 14:36:48.366411           1
 18          39           10  2023-03-01 23:27:52.68548            2
 19          39            9  2023-03-01 23:28:32.880234           1
 20          86           10  2023-03-01 23:35:15.564763           1
(6 rows)

The ratings with id = 8, 20 receive row number 1 because these projects are distinct (27, 86). But projects with id = 26, 39 have several ratings that’s why the rows with this project id have row_number 1 and 2. The most recent ratings per project receive 1, and the older ones receive row number 2.

Use subselect to filter correct results

If we filter out those row numbers greater 1 we get the required result. If that would be a table we could use the SQL’s where clause. For example, a view (virtual table) could be created for that. But we will keep it simple. We will use subselect: initially we prepare select to return the data as above and immediately use select statement to filter out the correct result.

But first, let’s see how to write SQL statement to assign the row number using the already noticed window function:

db-# select
        row_number() over (partition by project_id order by created_at desc)
        from ratings
        order by created_at;

 id  project_id  reviewee_id          created_at          row_number
  8          27           10  2022-12-05 21:46:01.583185           1
 12          26            6  2022-12-23 14:35:11.047002           2
 13          26            7  2022-12-23 14:36:48.366411           1
 18          39           10  2023-03-01 23:27:52.68548            2
 19          39            9  2023-03-01 23:28:32.880234           1
 20          86           10  2023-03-01 23:35:15.564763           1
(6 rows)

The row_number() over (partition by project_id order by created_at desc) is a window function that assigns row number from 1 to N for the records duplicated by some criteria. In this case the criteria is distinct project_id sorted by created_at desc.

Running this query inside DB console will produce the result above.

Wrap this select with another select and filter only rows with number = 1:

db-# select
  created_at from (
    select *, row_number() over (partition by project_id order by created_at desc)
    from ratings
    order by created_at
  as ratings where row_number = 1;

 id  reviewer_id  reviewee_id  rating  project_id          created_at
  8            9           10       5          27  2022-12-05 21:46:01.583185
 13            6            7       5          26  2022-12-23 14:36:48.366411
 19           10            9       5          39  2023-03-01 23:28:32.880234
 20            9           10       5          86  2023-03-01 23:35:15.564763
(4 rows)

Voila, we’ve got what we want!

Use ActiveRecord.from to return the results as Ruby objects

Since we’ve got the SQL query it’s easy to port it into ActiveRecord and get eventually the list of Ruby objects. We will use the ActiveRecord.from to write the subselect:

> Rating
  .select("id, reviewer_id, reviewee_id, rating, project_id, created_at")
  .from("(select *, row_number() over (partition by project_id order by created_at desc) from ratings group by project_id, reviewee_id, created_at, id order by created_at) as ratings")

  Rating Load (41.9ms)  SELECT id, reviewer_id, reviewee_id, rating, project_id, created_at FROM (select *, row_number() over (partition by project_id order by created_at desc) from ratings group by project_id, reviewee_id, created_at, id order by created_at) as ratings WHERE "ratings"."row_number" = $1  [["row_number", 1]]
=> [#<Rating:0x000000011190d410 id: 8, reviewer_id: 9, reviewee_id: 10, rating: 5, project_id: 27, created_at: Mon, 05 Dec 2022 21:46:01.583185000 UTC +00:00>,
 #<Rating:0x000000011190d348 id: 13, reviewer_id: 6, reviewee_id: 7, rating: 5, project_id: 26, created_at: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 14:36:48.366411000 UTC +00:00>,
 #<Rating:0x000000011190d280 id: 19, reviewer_id: 10, reviewee_id: 9, rating: 5, project_id: 39, created_at: Wed, 01 Mar 2023 23:28:32.880234000 UTC +00:00>,
 #<Rating:0x000000011190d1b8 id: 20, reviewer_id: 9, reviewee_id: 10, rating: 5, project_id: 86, created_at: Wed, 01 Mar 2023 23:35:15.564763000 UTC +00:00>]

You can run this experiment yourself on this demo app.


Advanced SQL understanding allows you to write performant advanced functionality in a Ruby on Rails application efficiently.

If you like this article and would like to see more examples of how SQL can improve your software development life read these articles:

Have a good day ahead and happy coding!

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